It was nearly eight o’clock. The two young men hurried to Bakaleyev’s, to arrive before Luzhin. 'Why, who was that? ' asked Razumihin, as soon as they were in the street. 'It was Svidrigaïlov, that landowner in whose house my sister was insulted when she was their governess.
Through his persecuting her with his attentions, she was turned out by his wife, Marfa Petrovna. This Marfa Petrovna begged Dounia’s forgiveness afterwards, and she’s just died suddenly. It was of her we were talking this morning. I don’t know why I’m afraid of that man.
He came here at once after his wife’s funeral. He is very strange, and is determined on doing something.... We must guard Dounia from him... that’s what I wanted to tell you, do you hear? ' 'Guard her! What can he do to harm Avdotya Romanovna?
Thank you, Rodya, for speaking to me like that.... We will, we will guard her. Where does he live? ' 'I don’t know. ' 'Why didn’t you ask? What a pity! I’ll find out, though. ' 'Did you see him? ' asked Raskolnikov after a pause.
'Yes, I noticed him, I noticed him well. ' 'You did really see him? You saw him clearly? ' Raskolnikov insisted. 'Yes, I remember him perfectly, I should know him in a thousand; I have a good memory for faces. ' They were silent again. 'Hm!... that’s all right,' muttered Raskolnikov.
'Do you know, I fancied... I keep thinking that it may have been an hallucination. ' 'What do you mean? I don’t understand you. ' 'Well, you all say,' Raskolnikov went on, twisting his mouth into a smile, 'that I am mad.
I thought just now that perhaps I really am mad, and have only seen a phantom. ' 'What do you mean? ' 'Why, who can tell? Perhaps I am really mad, and perhaps everything