
Crime and Punishment

Chapter 38

He spent that evening till ten o’clock going from one low haunt to another. Katia too turned up and sang another gutter song, how a certain 'villain and tyrant,' 'began kissing Katia.

' Svidrigaïlov treated Katia and the organ-grinder and some singers and the waiters and two little clerks. He was particularly drawn to these clerks by the fact that they both had crooked noses, one bent to the left and the other to the right.

They took him finally to a pleasure garden, where he paid for their entrance.

There was one lanky three-year-old pine-tree and three bushes in the garden, besides a 'Vauxhall,' which was in reality a drinking-bar where tea too was served, and there were a few green tables and chairs standing round it.

A chorus of wretched singers and a drunken but exceedingly depressed German clown from Munich with a red nose entertained the public. The clerks quarrelled with some other clerks and a fight seemed imminent. Svidrigaïlov was chosen to decide the dispute.

He listened to them for a quarter of an hour, but they shouted so loud that there was no possibility of understanding them.

The only fact that seemed certain was that one of them had stolen something and had even succeeded in selling it on the spot to a Jew, but would not share the spoil with his companion. Finally it appeared that the stolen object was a teaspoon belonging to the Vauxhall.

It was missed and the affair began to seem troublesome. Svidrigaïlov paid for the spoon, got up, and walked out of the garden. It was about six o’clock.

He had not drunk a drop of wine all this time and had ordered tea more for the sake of appearances than anything. It was a dark and stifling evening. Threatening
