

Chapter 28 - DR. SEWARD’S DIAR..

29 October. —This is written in the train from Varna to Galatz. Last night we all assembled a little before the time of sunset.

Each of us had done his work as well as he could; so far as thought, and endeavour, and opportunity go, we are prepared for the whole of our journey, and for our work when we get to Galatz. When the usual time came round Mrs.

Harker prepared herself for her hypnotic effort; and after a longer and more serious effort on the part of Van Helsing than has been usually necessary, she sank into the trance.

Usually she speaks on a hint; but this time the Professor had to ask her questions, and to ask them pretty resolutely, before we could learn anything; at last her answer came:— 'I can see nothing; we are still; there are no waves lapping, but only a steady swirl of water softly running against the hawser.

I can hear men’s voices calling, near and far, and the roll and creak of oars in the rowlocks. A gun is fired somewhere; the echo of it seems far away. There is tramping of feet overhead, and ropes and chains are dragged along. What is this?

There is a gleam of light; I can feel the air blowing upon me. ' Here she stopped. She had risen, as if impulsively, from where she lay on the sofa, and raised both her hands, palms upwards, as if lifting a weight.

Van Helsing and I looked at each other with understanding. Quincey raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her intently, whilst Harker’s hand instinctively closed round the hilt of his Kukri. There was a long pause.

We all knew that the time when she could speak was passing; but we felt that it was useless
