
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Chapter 6 - ACT V

Enter two Clowns with spades, &c. FIRST CLOWN. Is she to be buried in Christian burial, when she wilfully seeks her own salvation? SECOND CLOWN. I tell thee she is, and therefore make her grave straight. The crowner hath sat on her, and finds it Christian burial. FIRST CLOWN.

How can that be, unless she drowned herself in her own defence? SECOND CLOWN. Why, ’tis found so. FIRST CLOWN. It must be se offendendo, it cannot be else. For here lies the point: if I drown myself wittingly, it argues an act: and an act hath three branches.

It is to act, to do, and to perform: argal, she drowned herself wittingly. SECOND CLOWN. Nay, but hear you, goodman delver,— FIRST CLOWN. Give me leave. Here lies the water; good. Here stands the man; good.

If the man go to this water and drown himself, it is, will he nill he, he goes,—mark you that. But if the water come to him and drown him, he drowns not himself. Argal, he that is not guilty of his own death shortens not his own life.

SECOND CLOWN. But is this law? FIRST CLOWN. Ay, marry, is’t, crowner’s quest law. SECOND CLOWN. Will you ha’ the truth on’t? If this had not been a gentlewoman, she should have been buried out o’ Christian burial. FIRST CLOWN. Why, there thou say’st.

And the more pity that great folk should have countenance in this world to drown or hang themselves more than their even Christian. Come, my spade. There is no ancient gentlemen but gardeners, ditchers, and grave-makers: they hold up Adam’s profession. SECOND CLOWN. Was he a gentleman?

FIRST CLOWN. He was the first that ever bore arms. SECOND CLOWN. Why, he had none. FIRST CLOWN. What, art a heathen? How dost thou
