

Chapter 7 - Our Growing Modes..

Being at last considered sufficiently tamed and trained to be trusted with scissors, we barbered ourselves as best we could. A close-trimmed beard is certainly more comfortable than a full one. Razors, naturally, they could not supply.

'With so many old women you’d think there’d be some razors,' sneered Terry. Whereat Jeff pointed out that he never before had seen such complete absence of facial hair on women.

'Looks to me as if the absence of men made them more feminine in that regard, anyhow,' he suggested. 'Well, it’s the only one then,' Terry reluctantly agreed. 'A less feminine lot I never saw.

A child apiece doesn’t seem to be enough to develop what I call motherliness. ' Terry’s idea of motherliness was the usual one, involving a baby in arms, or 'a little flock about her knees,' and the complete absorption of the mother in said baby or flock.

A motherliness which dominated society, which influenced every art and industry, which absolutely protected all childhood, and gave to it the most perfect care and training, did not seem motherly—to Terry. We had become well used to the clothes.

They were quite as comfortable as our own—in some ways more so—and undeniably better looking. As to pockets, they left nothing to be desired. That second garment was fairly quilted with pockets.

They were most ingeniously arranged, so as to be convenient to the hand and not inconvenient to the body, and were so placed as at once to strengthen the garment and add decorative lines of stitching.

In this, as in so many other points we had now to observe, there was shown the action of a practical intelligence, coupled with fine artistic feeling, and, apparently, untrammeled by any injurious influences. Our first step of comparative freedom was a personally conducted
