
The Canterbury Tales, and Other Poems

Chapter 34 - CALLED LA PRIERE ..

ALMIGHTY and all-merciable* Queen, *all-merciful To whom all this world fleeth for succour, To have release of sin, of sorrow, of teen! * *affliction Glorious Virgin! of all flowers flow’r, To thee I flee, confounded in errour!

Help and relieve, almighty debonair,* *gracious, gentle Have mercy of my perilous languour! Vanquish’d me hath my cruel adversair.

Bounty* so fix’d hath in thy heart his tent, *goodness, charity That well I wot thou wilt my succour be; Thou canst not *warne that* with good intent *refuse he who* Asketh thy help, thy heart is ay so free!

Thou art largess* of plein** felicity, *liberal bestower **full Haven and refuge of quiet and rest! Lo! how that thieves seven <3> chase me! Help, Lady bright, ere that my ship to-brest! * *be broken to pieces Comfort is none, but in you, Lady dear! For lo!

my sin and my confusion, Which ought not in thy presence to appear, Have ta’en on me a grievous action,* *control Of very right and desperation! And, as by right, they mighte well sustene That I were worthy my damnation, Ne were it mercy of you, blissful Queen!

Doubt is there none, Queen of misericorde,* *compassion That thou art cause of grace and mercy here; God vouchesaf’d, through thee, with us t’accord;* *to be reconciled For, certes, Christe’s blissful mother dear!

Were now the bow y-bent, in such mannere As it was first, of justice and of ire, The rightful God would of no mercy hear; But through thee have we grace as we desire.

Ever hath my hope of refuge in thee be’; For herebefore full oft in many a wise Unto mercy hast thou received me. But mercy, Lady! at the great assize, When we shall come before the high Justice! So little fruit shall then in
